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The Broken Consort
Performing "Made in America" live on All Classical Portland
The Broken Consort
Emily Lau's Opus 1. & 2. photo: Meg Nanna
The Broken Consort
Premiering Emily Lau's Opus 1. & 2. at Holocene in Portland, OR
The Broken Consort
Emily Lau's Opus 1. & 2. photo: Meg Nanna
The Broken Consort
Just wrapped recording for Emily Lau's Opus 1. & 2.
The Peabody Consort
Touring our "Concert of Three Faiths" program in Hawaii!
Purcell's The Fairy Queen
Haymarket Opera Summer Program, Chicago, IL
The New Consort
American Bach Soloists
Monteverdi Vespers of 1610
Vivi Cantando
An evening of Monteverdi
Handel's Messiah
Tempesta di Mare
with Janna Critz
Messiah soloists with Tempesta di Mare
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